Antonio Pierce is criticized by a former Raiders executive who asks him to….

Antonio Pierce Gets Rid of Former Raiders Executive: “Can He Just Shut Up?”

antonio pierce

It’s early in Antonio Pierce’s tenure as Las Vegas Raiders head coach but he’s already facing some blowback. Pierce has been outspoken about wanting to embrace the Raiders’ tradition and that’s rubbing some people the wrong way, including former team executive Michael Lombardi.

He took Pierce to task and had some strong words for the coach.

On the February 22 episode of “The GM Shuffle podcast,” Lombardi said of Pierce, “This guy is driving me crazy.” Please just stop talking. Why is no one on the Raiders telling him to stop talking?

Lombardi’s criticism of Pierce went even beyond.

The “Raider Way” isn’t a term, according to Lombardi. “This player is a prototype of the one we want at this position,” the statement goes. This player is our ideal candidate for that role, in our opinion. The Raider Way is that. His conversation is hilarious because, despite coming from Compton, he believes he is familiar with the Raider Way. It’s a farce.

It’s noteworthy to mention that Mick, Lombardi’s son, served as the Raiders’ offensive coordinator the previous season when Josh McDaniels and the head coach were sacked. Lombardi has no motive to speak well of the team because he was likewise fired by them in 2007. Nevertheless, whatever critiques he may have about the group should be.

Ryan Clark Defends Antonio Pierce.

Antonio Pierce has ardent supporters in addition to others who have been critical of him, such as Michael Lombardi. Ryan Clark, a former NFL safety, came out in support of the coach but questioned Lombardi’s motivations.

In an X post from February 28, Clark wrote, “Watch the tape & study the physicality of the run game, effort of the defense.” “He won nine games in a row for a club that was emotionally bankrupt. It appears that your primary concern is ensuring that men never have to earn their way out of Compton.

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