LSU MOMENT REPORT: Brian Kelly leads LSU football to higher APR score but program still worst in SEC……….read more

 Brian Kelly Leads LSU Football to Higher APR Score but Program Still Worst in SEC

In his inaugural year at the helm, Brian Kelly has made significant strides with the LSU football program, particularly in the realm of academics. Despite these improvements, LSU remains at the bottom of the Southeastern Conference (SEC) in terms of the Academic Progress Rate (APR).

A Step in the Right Direction

Brian Kelly, renowned for his emphasis on both athletic and academic excellence, took over as the head coach of the LSU Tigers with a clear vision: to elevate the team’s performance on the field and in the classroom. Under his leadership, LSU’s football program has seen a notable increase in its APR score. This progress reflects Kelly’s commitment to ensuring his players succeed academically, recognizing the importance of education in their overall development.

The APR is a crucial metric used by the NCAA to measure the academic performance and progress of student-athletes. It takes into account eligibility, retention, and graduation rates, providing a comprehensive picture of how well a program supports its athletes academically. Each team is awarded a score out of 1,000, with a minimum threshold of 930 to avoid penalties.

LSU’s Academic Challenges

While the uptick in LSU’s APR score is commendable, it is important to note that the program still lags behind its SEC counterparts. The SEC is known for its competitive nature, not just in sports but also in academic achievements among its athletic programs. Despite the improvements, LSU’s APR score remains the lowest in the conference, highlighting a persistent challenge for the program.

The reasons behind this lag are multifaceted. LSU has historically faced difficulties in maintaining high academic standards for its athletes, a challenge exacerbated by the rigorous demands of SEC competition. Additionally, the transition to a new coaching regime often comes with growing pains as new academic expectations and support systems are implemented.

The Road Ahead

Brian Kelly’s efforts are beginning to bear fruit, and there is optimism that LSU’s academic standing will continue to rise. The increase in APR score is a positive indicator of progress and a testament to Kelly’s dedication to fostering a culture that values academic achievement. However, there is still considerable work to be done to catch up with other SEC schools.

To address this, Kelly and his staff are focusing on several key areas:

1. Enhanced Academic Support: Expanding tutoring services, study halls, and academic advising tailored specifically to the needs of student-athletes.
2. Recruitment Focus:Prioritizing the recruitment of players who demonstrate strong academic potential and a commitment to their studies.
3. Life Skills Development: Implementing programs that prepare athletes for life after college, ensuring they are well-equipped to succeed off the field.


Brian Kelly’s first year at LSU has brought a significant increase in the football program’s APR score, reflecting his commitment to academic excellence. However, the program’s position at the bottom of the SEC’s academic rankings underscores the challenges that remain. With continued focus and strategic initiatives, there is hope that LSU will not only improve its standings on the field but also climb the academic ranks of the SEC, fostering a well-rounded development for its student-athletes.

Kelly’s leadership has set the foundation for future success, and the coming years will be critical in determining if LSU can overcome its academic hurdles and emerge as a leader both in sports and academics within the conference.

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